A patch to gv to decompress on-the-fly bzip2-compressed files

gv is a graphical front-end for ghostscript, that already has the ability to decompress on-the-fly PostScript files compressed or with compress or with gzip; in addition, the user may select the decompression program to be used. Nowadays, gv is essentially unsupported; compress is seldom used, being gzip the de-facto standard for free software; and the use of bzip2 is quickly spreading, having bzip2 (in general) a better compression ratio than gzip.

This directory contains a small patch file to make gv decompress on-the-fly PostScript files compressed or with gzip or with bzip2; since the decompession is handled by two different programs, it is meaningless for the user to specify a (single) executable for that — that option has been cancelled.

To install a patched gv:

  1. Decompress and untar the distribution file;
  2. cd to the distribution directory, gv-3.5.8;
  3. Read carefully the installation instructions in README and INSTALL.Unix;
  4. edit config.Unix if needed, e.g. to use gcc to compile (as instructed by the installation instructions);
  5. issue the command patch -p0 < gv.patch to patch the source files;
  6. proceed as usual to compile and install the executable.
  7. N.B.: the gzip and bzip2 executables must both be on the PATH.

==> Revised April 19th, 2002 - MLO (loreti at pd dot infn dot it)

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