This directory contains the files needed to generate a map of the "standard" RGB colors known in an Unix system. The names and their color levels, in the Unix systems, are listed in a file called "rgb.txt"; it may live under different locations for different Unix flavors (in Linux systems, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt; in Solaris systems, /usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt; and so on). Some colors may appear in "rgb.txt" more than once, under different names: e.g. "gray50" and "grey50"; "antique white" and "AntiqueWhite". Usually the different names corresponding to the same color are listed one after the other. The color names may contain spaces, and their capitalization is NOT significant. The R, G and B color levels are coded as numbers from 0 to 255; e.g. red is coded as "255 0 0", green as "0 255 0", black as "0 0 0" and white as "255 255 255". The first step is performed by the AWK program in "genfile.awk". It reads the file "rgb.txt" and does a little cleanup: skips all the lines beginning with a "!" (that should be comments); compares the color codes in the current line with the codes seen in the previous ones; and, if they differ, prints two records on the standard output stream --- the first one with the color name, and the second one with the corresponding RGB levels. The output file is compressed with gzip, and saved for later use. My original file "rgb.txt" contains 752 definitions, and, removing duplicates, only 548 are left in the output file. The color name written on output is the last one seen in a series of occurrences of the same color (with different names). The second step is performed by a C program, called "makergb"; it reads the output file created in the previous step, and generates the LaTeX code for a tabular where every color is shown in a \fcolorbox together with the corresponding RGB levels. These color levels are coded in three different ways: as the original three digits; as a single 6-digits hexadecimal number containing these same digits in sequence; and as a set of three floating point numbers in the range from 0 to 1, suitable for the commands of the "color" package in the standard LaTeX distribution. A Makefile is included, that performs all these steps one after the other. "make clean" removes all files leaving only this "README", "genfile", "makergb.c" and "color.txt.gz" (plus the Makefile itself). -- Maurizio Loreti Un. of Padova, Dept. of Physics - Padova, Italy