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11. The Help Menu

The Help menu provides access to the on-line help system via the following entries:


This entry will launch an HTML browser, set via the helpBrowser resource (see Application Resources), with the contents page.

On Context (F1)

This entry will change the mouse cursor to a question mark; if you click on a widget, an HTML browser will be launched with the help entry for that widget. If the widget doesn't have any help text, the bell will be rung and no browser will get launched.

On Application Resources

This entry will launch an HTML browser, set via the helpBrowser resource, with the Application Resources section.

On Command Line

This entry will launch an HTML browser, set via the helpBrowser resource (see Application Resources), with the Command Line Switches section.


This will pop-up a dialog box with the mgv version, operating system, etc... If you encounter a bug, the information in this dialog may be useful to the author.

If you are using Netscape/remote or libhelp for on-line help, then mgv will attempt to maintain a connection with the browser so that only one instance of the browser will be required. If you are using plain HTML, then mgv will launch a separate browser for each help request. Note that when mgv exits, it will attempt to kill (via SIGTERM) any browsers that it has launched (this can be changed by setting the killChildrenAtExit resource to False), browsers that mgv has just borrowed will not be affected by this.

11.1 About Dialog

The About dialog contains the program name, a copyright statement, author contact information, a Build Options button, and a Dismiss button. The Dismiss button will remove the about box from the screen; if the Build Options dialog is also visible, it will be removed as well. Activating the Build Options button will pop up the Build Options dialog (see Build Options Dialog).

11.2 Build Options Dialog

The Build Options dialog contains various flags and program names used to compile the program;. The entries are as follows:


The program version.


The command used to compile source files, this command will include various macro definitions, includes paths, and sundry other compiler flags.


Extra flags used to link the program.


The libraries which the program was linked against.


This line will contain the operating system name, release number, version, and machine type as specified by the operating system.


The binary installation directory.


The library installation directory. Help files should be in the help subdirectory of datadir.

build date

The data and time when the program was linked.

If you find a bug, the information in this dialog may be useful to the maintainer. You can also get this information using the -version command line switch.

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