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20. Actions

The following actions are defined by mgv:


Toggle the marked status of a page; this action is only valid in the main page list. This action takes no arguments. This action is bound to Shift-Button1 by default.


This action scrolls the main viewing window in two dimensions. The argument should be begin, pan, or end; begin starts the panning, pan causes the window to scroll, and end stops the panning. These commands are bound to Btn2Down, Btn2Motion, and Btn2Up (respectively) by default.

mgvScroll(direction [, magical [, force ] ])

This action scrolls the main viewing window; the action has one, two, or three arguments. The first argument should be the scrolling direction (up, down, left, or right), the second (optional) argument should be magical or non-existent--the scrolling will be magical if the second argument is magical. If you specify the second argument, you can also specify the third argument which indicates how many scrolling attempts this should count for; the absolute value of this parameter is used so the sign of force makes no difference; a value of zero is considered to be one (which is also the default value).

You can use the third argument to attach different levels of magicalness to different keys. For example, if your magicResistance is 3 and you add these bindings:

        <Key>space:          mgvScroll(down, magical, 3)
        <Key>osfBackSpace:   mgvScroll(up,   magical, 3)
then the spacebar will always scroll down magically and the backspace key will always scroll up magically.

This action will scroll smoothly if smooth scrolling is enabled.


Begin, extend, or end a zoom reticule. This action takes one argument which must be one of: begin (begin a new zoom reticule at the current mouse position), end (end the current zoom reticule at the current mouse position), or extend (extend the current zoom reticule).


This action activates the context sensitive help system; the cursor will turn into a question mark so you can select the widget you want help with. This action is normally bound to the osfHelp virtual key (which is generally F1).

All arguments are case insensitive. Arguments in (square) brackets are optional.

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