module input Isajet # to generate ttbar events with Mtop=175 #set env(CDFPVLI) /cdf/home/yagil/top175.val talk Isajet report set 1 call_qq set T qq Decay_Bc set T Decay_Upsilon set T Decay_B_Baryons set T Decay_prompt_charm set T exit call_tauola set T show exit path enable AllPath mod disable CT_TrackingModule mod disable SiClusteringModule mod disable SiPatternRecModule creator set NSIM talk GeometryManager DetectorMenu # enableAll set f enableCot set t enableSvx set t enableCalor set t exit exit talk SimInitManager DetectorMenu declareCot set t declareSvx set t # AS declareCalor set t exit exit talk SimulationControlMod DebugMenu showActiveVolumes set t exit DetectorMenu simulateSvx set t simulateCot set t # AS simulateCalor set t exit dumpFactory add CdfHalfLadder SvxDigitizer SvxGroup add CotSuperLayer CotDigitizer CotGroup # add CalorDetectorElement CalorDigiGeneric CalorGroup add CalorDetectorElement CalorDigiGeneric CalorGroup show add ConfigMenus CotGroup_CotSuperLayer CreateCOTM set t CreateMCOT set f DriftModel set Garfield show exit SvxGroup_CdfHalfLadder pick_svx_cdm set GEOMETRIC CreateSIXD set t exit exit exit talk DHOutput output create main_stream ttbar_1k.root output path main_stream AllPath output keepList main_stream \ LRIH_StorableBank EVCL_StorableBank HEPG_StorableBank \ OBSP_StorableBank OBSV_StorableBank \ COTD_StorableBank \ SIXD_StorableBank \ MSVX_StorableBank ISLD_StorableBank MISL_StorableBank \ COTM_StorableBank COTQ \ PESD_StorableBank CESD_StorableBank CPRD_StorableBank \ CEMD_StorableBank PEMD_StorableBank CHAD_StorableBank \ WHAD_StorableBank PHAD_StorableBank PPRD_StorableBank exit begin -nev 1000 show timer exit