CDF Run II Offline Performance Test


We will describe the performances tests executed on a Linux machine ( dedicated for CDF Run II code development and analysis located in Padova. The performance tests will focus on: Particular attention has been paid also to run the tests in heavy load conditions.

Hardware and Software Description

The  machine is a Linux quadripocessor Intel box.

The version of the CDF RunII offline is 3.16.0  using the shared libraries and all the tests will be performed  using NNbTag (my own version of ExoticMods). This module builds a job that performs the following features (i.e. a job for a physical analysis):

  • Jet clustering (Cone Algorithm).
  • Tracking in the COT.
  • Tracking in Silicon (OutsideIn).
  • SecVtx b-tag.
  • Jet Probability.
  • Calculates some jet-related useful variables.



    To load the NNbTag package do the following steps:

    1. setup cdfsoft2 3.16.0
    2. setenv USESHLIBS 1
    3. newrel -t 3.16.0 test
    4. cd test
    5. addpkg ExoticMods
    6. download nnbtag.tar
    7. gunzip nnbtag.tar.gz
    8. tar -xvf nnbtag.tar
    That will generate a package whose name is ExoticMods but it will be completly different from the one that you can upload from the CVS. The NNbTag package will be added to the standard release as soon as I have time to do it! So in the following steps I'll refer to ExoticMods rather than NNbTag. It is NOT a mistake.

    Test A: Compiling and Linking

    We have measured: It might be interesting to understand wether  one can use the CDFII offline under AFS to compile, link and build executables. So  we have repeated the previous tests using  the CDF II offline on AFS  located in two different geographical locations: Trieste and CNAF (Bologna). The last setup should be faster since  the CNAF connection  is linked with  a wider band.

    For comparison the same tests has been performed on the fcdflnx1 box at FNAL. The results are summarized in the following table.

    AFS TS
    AFS BO
    gmake ExoticMods.nobin
    gmake ExoticMods.bin


    Test B: Generation of events

    With the standard cdfSim executable we have measured the time to generate 50 ttbar events with IsaJet (ttbar.tar).  To check the performances in high load conditions we have measured the performances while 1,2,4 and 8 processes were running at the same time. The results are summarized in the pictures below.

    During the generation of ttbar events the CPU are well occupied by the processes. In particular the "Wall Clock" time doubles when the number of processes is twice the nuber of precessors. That means that no time is loss shuffling around the processes.

    Test C: Reconstruction of Events

    On 50 z->bbbar events we have run the NNbTag job described before. Also in this case we have checked the behaviour of the system in a heavy load situation. Also the NNbTag job is a very complete job that performs jet reconstruction, silicon clustering, tracking and search for secondary vertex. As in the previous test we have run 1,2,4, and 8 process in the same time. The results are summarized below.

    Also in this case, where more memory is used,  the "Wall Clock" seems to scale well when the number of processes is twice the number of processor (203.75s for 4 processes against 414.56s for 8 processes).

    TestD: I/O Performances

    After the reconstruction is executed the CdfTrackCollection are stored using STNtuple package. The time to write them is measured also in heavy load condition. Also the time to read them using a root script is evaluated.




    Antonio Sidoti me fecit
    Last Update: 03 July 2001

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